Sunday, December 4, 2011

Deep Hip-Hop...

...I mean from the moment I hit the play button to the very end, "Watch The Throne" had me thinking. Hip-Hop giants, Jay-Z and Kanye West collaborated to bring forth one of the most amazing compilation within the Hip-Hop genre to date. This is what this Hip-hop was intended to sound like right from the beginning. "Watch The Throne" embodies the relevant story telling of legendary Hip-Hop groups such as Tribe Called Quest, and De-la Soul.

The intense provocativeness of this duo really get's you thinking of all the events that have impacted people over the course of these difficult times and how those who struggle can rise out of their difficult times. Jay-Z and Kanye really push the envelope with their opening track, "No Church In the Wild". The song challenges faith and theological concepts that bring about hope, and meaning. The two are quick to address how confrontation and chaotic existences, are easily masked with such beliefs simply masking certain unwanted truths while leading towards hypocrisy.

When I say that this is an intense album, I mean it. For the first time in a long time I am presented with a true piece of urban mastery. If you have not yet heard this album, be sure to hook-up with Spotify and get your taste of what I think is the best Hip-Hop album of the year.

Boy Bands Were Cool in the Mid 90's

So, just when you thought the boy band craze had vanished into mid air, some how they just keep popping up. The only difference is that they package them a little differently.

One such group is Pop-emo looking quartet Hot Chelle Rae. Long hair and tight fitting jeans are used to present a different package, but the reality is that they are just another boy band. Here is the thing...

...See I may come across critical, but I'm a musician and love hearing progression and evolution in music. This stuff is the same thing. The band's full length album "Whatever" is exactly what it is. It's teenie-pop centered on simple concepts. The most notable track on the album is "Tonight Tonight" which hit the Top-40 station several months back. The groups music is fun and will get you moving a bit. For me it is definitely lacking. If this is your sort of thing go for it. To me it's like listening to a Disney Channel Compilation of the Victorious Cast. I know you are asking yourself...
..."How does he know about the Victorious Cast?" Well I have a 3 year old niece and my roomie's little one loves the show too, so I'm around it more than I'd like to be.

The album is designed to capture the attention of a more younger audience, but has the potential of drawing in some grown-ups through the group's somewhat maturer content on some tracks.

If you are interested in listening to Hot Chelle Rae's album, be sure to check out Spotify and get an account. You can hear the guy's whole album along with many others.