"Ha-Ha!" Welcome back peeps. Christmas kind of puts your brain in a constipated state, but I'm back baby and ready to give 2012 a killer "Chuck Norris" roundhouse in the nads. Are you ready? Can you feel it? Well if you can let’s get this thing started shall we?
So here is the skinny. The end of the year sucks in the music world in some ways, because it's focused on Christmas/Holiday compellations (not that there is anything wrong with that. Just saying), and the proverbial year review of all the artists, albums, and singles that rocked the universe...
...Okay look let's face it. If it had the name "Adele" on the front of it, it was the best thing to happen in 2011...
...Okay back to the...
..."Look I'm a little partial to the Brit style of music. I mean I've been watching BBC America every day since November and while on vacation in December. I mean honestly, "Top Gear" is the jam and I may have a slight crush on Gordon Ramsey...
...Okay that last bit was for shock value but I love how he chews people out and then gets all warm and fuzzy. Kinda bipolarish...
...Oh yeah! So that's why I'm all for Adele and stuff."...
...Back to the issue at hand. While I was sitting on "me bum" watching a ton of BBC, I was really struggling to find the "wow factor" of some new jams. There was really nothing going on other than Common's newest record. So I waited and waited and then it happened. Radiohead came out on December 19th and released two amazing singled that were recorded from their DVD "King of Limbs-From the Basement."
I mean what more could you ask for to get the juices flowing. These guys are amazing and I love the tracks. The two singles released entitled, "The Daily Mail" and "Staircase" which really demonstrate Radiohead’s diverse and emotional style. "The Daily Mail" reflects Yorke's interpretation of corruption and media hype and how it affects the public. His dark chord progression as he plays the piano brings you to a place where you relate and feel his discontent for what has become public news. The track is a very open reflection on how current struggles globally and within the U.K. effect the perception of the people and leave them disillusioned and voiceless.
"Staircase" again brings an interesting view on introspective thoughts and feelings, but is arranged in a way that you can't help but shake your head with insight and excitement, as the track careens through your ear-buds with a cool house-like groove. I mean who can talk about their loss and how they seek to regain all that they once had in a relationship that makes you want to get off your rump and sway just a little bit. OH WAIT I KNOW WHO...
...RADIOHEAD does that's who! To me, both of these tracks are phenomenal and would strongly encourage that you download them. The tracks along with the film can be accessed at www.radiohead.com or at your download music store retailer. If you want to get a glimpse of the tracks, be sure to hit up Spotify to sample them. If you haven't put Spotify on your list of things to do this New Year be sure to visit www.spotify.com for more details.
Lastly if you are a nerd like me and are the type or clown who wants to have the largest collection of DVD's and CD's, you can order Blu-Ray/DVD of "King of Limbs-From the Basement" directly from the bands store or wait to the end of January in which, copies will be available for purchase at your local retailers.
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