Monday, November 7, 2011


WHAT THE HELL IS THIS MESS? I mean I can't even hide how terrible Lou Reed and Metallica's album "Lu Lu" is. Picture putting a microphone close to your dog while he is taking a poo, and publishing the audio as the newest and most creative thing. That is what this record is. There is no polite way to say it, but this album suck in every possible way. I mean the vocals are off key. The content is odd, and there is no such thing as THRASH METAL COUNTRY. Look if you had issues with Metallica when "Load" and "Reload" came out, you are about to crap your pants with even greater disappointment when you hear this ghastly alt-universe collaboration. This thing is so bad, there should be a new ranking system that awards negative stars for stuff this awful.  

"Ceremonials" or is it "Lungs 2.0"?

"Lungs" was the "machine" that brought Florence and the Machine to the U.S. in a big way. The album is holding 70 on the Billboard 200 Charts still. Her latest LP, "Ceremonials" has yet to makes any waves within the U.S. Billboard charts in any category. So why is that?

Now before I go any further let me just say that I really like the artistic Celtic/Enya influenced sound of Florence, however, "Ceremonials" is a bit lacking in creativity. I was a bit let down when I put the album in car CD player. "Yes I am that guy that still hunts down CD, because I think it's cool so don't judge me."...
...Okay back to the issue at hand. The first track of the album had me intrigued, and I was digging it in a big way, but by the time I found myself on track 8, I was board out of my mind. It was as if every song was just another reinterpretation of the last one. Same grooves. Same vocal and lyrical progressions, Same everything. And then it hit me in a big way...
..."THIS IS "LUNGS" 2.0!" I mean come on man, give me something a little different. Now again I'm not hear hating on Florence and the Machine at all. In fact I really like her style a lot. What I'm trying to say, is that this album could have been something that was even better than the first one. Instead it's musical constipation, in which the creative juices appeared to be cramped in a stalemate position leaning towards a conservative and predictable style that may haunt or even halt the momentum of the "Machine." I would give this album a 3 out of 5 stars. Sorry Florence, I wasn't wowed...